This blog is simply a year long journey or experiment. I am going to write for 365 days about my attempt at letting go of the CRAP in my life. I realize the title is a bit crude or crass, but it fits. For so much of my life I have let junk get in the way. It has gotten in the way of my relationship with God, my health, my parenting, my work, my service, and so much more. Some of that CRAP is insecurities as a result of lies I have believed. Some of that CRAP are the lies I have told myself. All of the CRAP comes from one place and one place only.
MINUS.... I never liked subtraction in school. For some reason adding was easy but subtraction was hard. It has been the same in my life. I have added and added and added and added in hopes to cover up the CRAP but it hasn't worked. The CRAP is still there. So I am going to spend this year, once and for all learning to subtract.
This is not a destination. I have not arrived, but am just beginning a journey. When coming up with this title I was thinking of all the CRAP in my life and imagining that it was truly CRAP. So picture this me standing with CRAP just piled high in my hands, in attempt to hold it all I hold it close so the CRAP is all over me... Sounds disgusting and ridiculous, and it is. It is just as ridiculous that I have been unwilling to set down the lies, the hurt, the shame, the insecurities, the self loathing, and take a shower in the love of Jesus Christ. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to take a shower and put on a pristine white fluffy robe and sweet smelling lotion, after spending years holding all that CRAP.
That is what this is all about. If you are reading this please pray for me in this journey. If you are interested to come along for the ride, welcome! I must warn you. I plan to be brutally honest and I intensely personal. I refuse to worry about grammar or punctuation. This is not a example of fine writing but an intimate look at a year filled with my attempt to intimately know and obey my God.