Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 8

My grandmother Chalmers used to always say that if you want to get rid of something the best thing to do is to have something to fill it's place.  For example, if you want your kids to stop watching so much TV then have something else that is fun and interesting for them to do. (Grandma Chalmers bought video games for us kids back in the early eighties, she was the coolest Grandma ever!) This thought kept coming to mind as I thought about what (C) I wanted to get rid of today.  I know that today my life was filled with lots of wonderful things! Today I got up early and rushed out the door to work.  There were several things that I needed to get done before the freshman class reported for duty. I was handing over to them the job of folding and stapling the bulletin for Sabbath. I was worried that they would rush and not do a good job. Sometimes it is hard to turn things over to other people. I did and they did an amazing job! I was so thrilled to get it done. All the freshman just did a really remarkable job getting things done for me.  Then I had a nice lunch with Beth and Tammy. I looked like a bum next to the ever elegant Beth and beaut Tammy, but I couldn't think of a place I would rather be.  We had a delicious lunch. To cut this short I will say this.  Today was filled with blessings and positive interactions.  I was reminded that living minus the crap means that I must fill the space once filled with crap with other things.  Positive things.  Praises, God time, Confidence, Peace, Friendships, Connection and so much more.  I did that today.  No I don't have a list of (C) that I have gotten rid of but today I filled some of those holes with praise, God, and friends.  Thank you Beth and Tammy, God and the Freshman Class! Thanks to my Grandma Chalmers for her wisdom, you are missed! Happy Sabbath to all. 

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