Tuesday, September 11, 2012

353- Back to work--- Drama

After a beautiful day yesterday, today I headed back to work.  Tonight was the first drama meeting with the new and more than doubled in size group.  The group from last year is very hesitant to have anyone new on the team because they loved last years group.  I knew that had potential to be a problem so I decided to address it head on.  I talked with the entire group about how great things were, and yet how we have to let it be and look forward to what things can be now.  I talked about being open to the new group and not to compare to what had been. 

Tonight as I am down in grandparents basement again, I thought what a great reminder for me too.  I don't need to be looking to the past, or dreaming of what it could be in the future but take this process one step at a time.  Yesterday was rough, all I could think about was how this process has not been enough, how much more I had hoped for.  Yet that is spending way to much time thinking of what could have-- should have-- been. 

Tonight as I talked with the drama team I heard myself and decided to once again do my best to think about today and today only!

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