Monday, March 12, 2012

Fighting for contentment.... part 2

So today is a part two because I simply tried to do what I mentioned last night.  I woke up this morning had worship and then worked on titles for Seattle.  Finished the titles, finding scriptures etc and then made myself a healthy breakfast.  After breakfast I worked to get other work items done.  Etc.  It was a productive day and now I am waiting for my husband to get home and we are going to have a date night! 

While working on my sermon titles this morning and having worship I was reminded of how far I have come this year.   I guess I feel like I am at about mile 7, and the finish line seems so far away. (Not that this is ever finished... lol)  I was reminded that spending time with Jesus today, and taking one step at a time is all I need to do right now.  So a healthy breakfast and lunch, time with Jesus, getting work accomplished is enough.  I am going to set it all aside and enjoy my man.  I am going to think about nothing but what is right in front of me. I am going to continue to focus on being content by praising God for the life I have been blessed with. 

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