Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Monday and Tuesday...

So Monday I didn't post,  I wrote, deleted, and rewrote, but I never got anything posted.  Bottom line, I was down on Monday.  Not sure why, just didn't feel like doing anything, did only what had to be done, took a nap, but frankly was just down.  I struggled with depressive feelings, and a desire to crawl under the covers and disappear for a while. I also struggled with wanting to eat anything in the house.  I didn't but I wanted to.  It was a good thing the pantry and fridge had healthy food that needed to be cooked, because if there had been junk food I would have indulged for sure!  I did finally get out of bed, shower and get ready to go out with Chris on our date.  Once in the shower I started feeling a little better, when Chris got home, even better, and by the time we were at dinner with Jim and Lucy I was doing great!

I wish I knew why I have these days.  They are certainly fewer than before and farther and farther apart.  That is the good news.  They bad news is I spent most of yesterday trying to identify what was going on, why the blue mood and the only thing I came up with was knowing I had to leave on Tuesday.  I kept hearing the Karen Carpenter song in my head, "rainy days and mondays always get me down".  

So this morning came, and I was determined to make it a different day.  I didn't feel perky or exactly happy but I got up and had my devotions, read several passages that were new and interesting to me.  Then washed a counter full of dirty dishes and worked toward getting the kitchen clean while I watched dancing with the stars. :)   Then packed up and headed toward Asheville. My attempts at getting Ethiopian food didn't go very well and I spent most of the day preparing for tomorrow.  (Tomorrow I am taking Ethiopian food to the sophomore class, one of the students is doing his project on Ethiopia). 

So here I am at 12:34 exhausted and still not sure what is going on.  Perhaps it is hormonal, who knows.  I guess all I am going to do is not pile more (C) on top of myself for feeling down.  After all David had days when he was down. I just ask that if there is something I need to know or learn in this state of blaaa that He will show me.  I will try to find the joy in those around me, the spring flowering trees, and tomorrow I look forward to heading home to Charlotte, and then on Thursday Chris and I will be getting away for a couple days.  That is always a good thing for sure! 

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