There are days when I feel Him. There are days when I hear Him. There are days when I experience Him. Those days are amazing! Those are days when I am strengthened. Those are days when there are no questions, I just know!!!!
Then there are days when He seems to be nowhere. I can't hear Him, feel Him or experience Him. It is as if He has left the building. For whatever reason it has been that way for the last few days. It has been a little quiet.
So in the midst of my funk there were little bright moments, being in the class room with students this morning was wonderful. Spending time with Beth Anderson was a joy! Getting some important things accomplished, a bright spot for sure. Coming back to Charlotte and seeing Pastor Gary (Mr. Stiff Neck :)) and Malia was a bright spot. Coming home with Chris another bright spot, of course! Yet driving home tonight I realized that one of the biggest reason for the funk is the quiet. The quiet that seems to be here. Having experienced amazing life changing moments with Jesus Christ, the quiet moments are deafening.
As it would have it, just this past week someone at church was complaining about the same thing. About experiencing God one week and not the next. I quickly flipped into a speech about how those are the moments to have faith. I then proceeded to share how I like to think of it as sometimes he is upfront leading worship. Sometimes he is front and center and other times he is behind the scenes but He is always working on my behalf. If he is working behind the scenes he is still present in my life, I am just not seeing him, but he is still there. It is easy to wonder what I did wrong when I'm not experiencing him the way I did last week. Yet if he has chosen to work behind the scenes that is not because of something I have done wrong. If Chris is working hard to plan the worship service one week and playing his bass the next, I did nothing wrong on the weeks he is working behind the scenes.
So today as I'm driving home praying and thinking about this funk, I remembered the conversation Sabbath and realized not only why I was down, but what the remedy is.
This is one of those times when I can have faith that he is behind the scenes, working just as hard and just as involved in my life as he was when I ran the half, or while I was at Just Claim it, or all the other times that he has been front and center in my life. This is a time for walking in faith and praising God for his blessings and his presence behind the scenes!
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