Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday, what a day makes!

Well Thursday night my children came home!!!!! I probably don't need to say more.  I only saw them for a few moments but what a blessing those few moments were.  We shared some laughs and then I headed off to bed. This morning started at 5 am headed down the road to Pisgah to pick up the drama team.  Arrived at the school around 7:30, started getting ready and packing up things.  After loading up the shuttle we headed down the road for Charlotte.  We decided to stop by two schools on our way and surprise them with Academy Days invitations, a skit, and lots of introductions and hello's.  It was such a huge success.  We really enjoyed the contact with the little and the big kids. They loved the distraction and the surprise.  Then we grabbed a quick taco bell lunch and ended up at our church around 1pm.  We then spent all afternoon practicing.  We practiced drama and music.  I was blown away.  The first time we tried to practice music it was a disaster.  I'm not exaggerating.  It was terrible.  We didn't even get through one song.  We needed to have 6 for tomorrow.  They are doing terrific! It sounds amazing! The skits have been going well and the music inspiring. Most important the students are really bonding as a team.  Such a positive experience.

Today as I watched the popular and the unpopular work together, today as I listened to them come together and become a band full of praise, today as I listened to their stories, today as I saw an awkward eccentric talk about the confidence he has gained being at Pisgah, days like today make all the yesterdays worth it!!!! Today as I remembered Justin quietly as I drove the shuttle, and thought about how loved he was, about the outpouring of love for him and his family, today as I thought about all those Pisgah kids who are coming together to celebrate his life and comfort one another, today made yesterday just a little blimp.  Yes I have been up since 5:00am and I still have a few things to do before hitting the pillow.  Sure tomorrow I will have 27 people at my house for lunch, and the day will start at 7am, sure I will have to drive to Pisgah and back tomorrow night, but it is all worth it when you see young peoples lives changing.  Watching Peter tonight playing with his class mates and doing such a great job, his guitar skills have improved so much, brought so much joy!

As Pastor Gary says there are "joy suckers" and I ran into a whole bunch yesterday, but today I received an amazing text from Lydia, today I rediscovered why I do this! Tonight I'm exhausted, sore and happy! Tonight, I didn't have to have faith that God was here, I saw him, heard him, and watched him work in so many lives! What a joy!

Happy Sabbath every one! I pray we all experience Him in a big way!

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