Friday, April 13, 2012

203.... Ok I hear you Lord!

So the last couple days have been filled with me stressing about what I would wear in Seattle. Today in the air port ready to load the plane I was reading my bible when I read a passage I have never read before.... Matt 23:25. Wow to you teachers..... You clean the outside of the cup but inside they are full of greed....etc.

The point hit home. I have spent so much time in the last few days trying to live up to "professional" speaker that I have not been worrying about my heart. In fact as I read it I was sitting in the terminal wishing my hair was straightened and looking nice, I was wishing I had had time to do make up and so on and so forth.

Tonight I am falling in to bed ready to sleep!!!!!!!!! Ready to focus on the heart. Lord clean me from the inside out!

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