Monday, May 7, 2012

227- She did it!

Today Chris and I are officially parents of a child with a college degree... thanks to Anna!  What a wonderful day it was.  We were with family and friends, enjoying the pomp and circumstance of the day. I have nothing profound to write about tonight.  I am just happy!  Happy to be home!  Happy that my girl graduated! Happy that Sarah is doing well and starts more classes tomorrow.  Happy Andrew is home!  It has been a blessed day! 

Perhaps the only struggle I had with (C) was watching all those graduates I had moments where I started to question my education process.  Perhaps wish I had more, wished I had finished my masters long ago.  Wished.... or do I? I know my first responsibility is to God, husband, children, and I have made choices to honor my responsibility.  I wouldn't change a thing about that!  Today was evidence of making the right choices.  I quickly buried the (C) and  focused on celebrating my girl and the amazing things the Lord has been doing in her life! 

Today living MtC was simple! Keep the focus on my girl and what God has done in her life!  Celebrating and acknowledging what the Lord can do when we surrender, freed me to praise Him for the journey I have been blessed to travel with Him!  I don't want it any other way!   I will trust him to complete what He has started!!!!

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