Wednesday, May 9, 2012

229- Still tired, still surviving!

I just had a lovely thought tonight.  It is wed. night and I am heading home tomorrow, spending the weekend at home, it is mothers day on Sunday and two of my three children will be there!!!!! Those are some wonderful thoughts to hold onto!  Those are a few reasons to help me get through the next several hours.

Today was crazy busy with work!  Then an invitation to lunch with Rick, Beth, Becca and my son Andrew! Oh what a joy that was.  A good vege sub with friends and my boy!  Great!  I was to thankful! We go through line, me and Andrew first and when I get to pay, I realize my wallet is not in my purse.  Luckily Andrew had his wallet and plenty of cash.  Yet as I am wading through the very unorganized purse, I start in on myself.  I start piling on the (C).  I tell myself how unorganized I am, how embarrassing it is.  I frankly let it eat away at me for most of the lunch!  How ridiculous is that. 

I tried to accomplish some of my list from yesterday, but only accomplished, sleeping in (sleep).  So tonight I am keeping this very short so I can get to bed.  It is already almost midnight!  

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