Monday, May 14, 2012

233- Mothers Day

Mothers day.  A day to celebrate mothers, or be celebrated.  It has been a lovely day, I have done nothing (my request).  The kids cleaned the kitchen with Chris after brunch we made here at home.  The rest of the day included lifetime movies, a nap, and looking at rental properties online for our girl.  I had a wonderful call from Sarah, a text from Becca, so it was a good day.  There is no question as a mother like all others, who desires to do the absolute best by her children, I struggled some today too! I hated that the house is not clean, that we weren't doing anything facebook worthy :).  It is easy to wish I hadn't yelled as much when they were young, to wish I had demonstrated more joy, more of so much!  Every mother I know can understand! There is nothing that compares to the love we have for our children, and with that comes this huge desire to be all that we can be, and guilt when we aren't what we hope or desire to be. 

Today, I realized perhaps the most important thing I can do is to let go of regret and celebrate what the Lord has been able to do with my imperfections and who my children are as a result of His mighty work.   Acknowledging the miracle of what God can do in our lives is a wonderful way to celebrate Mothers day! I am thankful I serve a God who is daily working miracles in our lives. 

A found a picture posted by a friend on Facebook that I thought was funny and true.   So here is just a little something to think about! 

To my children, "Being your mother an undescribable joy!  There are no words!  I love you so much and am so thrilled to see the Lord working in each of your lives!!!1

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