Monday, May 28, 2012

246- Living MtC

Wow is the best way to describe today... Sabbaths are always special. Today however was one I will never forget! Today was about really living free! After a wonderful sabbath at church we were home early and free to nap. I love Sabbath afternoon naps. There is something to napping on a day when you have dressed up for church, that is so much more fun than napping say on a sunday when I am still in my pj,s at 2 in the afternoon. There is also something incredibly restful when you don't feel guilty for not getting something done... Anyway I'm sure you get the picture! After an absolutely perfect nap, Chris and I decided to go out on our maiden 2-up..... Or something like that. (I'm far from understanding motorcycleeze). So we took out my brand new helmet and headed out on our first ride. Now I grew up riding motor cycles. I'm not afraid of them, however I am fully aware of the dangers. We have all heard the stories, many of us have known someone who died riding. You don't have to tell me the stories...I'm aware. I Won't go into all the reasons why Chris got a bike...that is his to tell, however let's just say it had a lot to do with living, really living. So today as I climbed on the back of his bike, I kept thinking about really living and what that means. As I chatted with Chris, going down the road, the wind in my hair....well the part below the helmet, hearing the sound of the motor, I kept fear captive and relished in every moment instead of fear. I was living! God is love.... Perfect love casts out fear.... So life with love is life without fear.

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