Monday, May 28, 2012

247- Food for soul

For me , food for soul is music! today as I was frantically leaving for campmeeting and one of the most hectic weeks of the year, I was struggling. I felt ashamed of how much I didn't know about the day!!!! And on and on.... ( I'm having to write on my IPad with no key board so this will be short and to the point! As I left the house in a state of crazy I noticed a Facebook notification. It told me I had a post from Kim. She shared a song. I listened to it 3 times before it started to do the work needed for my soul. Then again tonight in a moment of stress an amazing song ministered to my soul. An incredibly important part of living MtC is to feed the soul with music that draws us to the savior! Enjoy... I hope it blesses you too! Thanks so much to Kim!!!!

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