Friday, May 11, 2012

231 trying to rest.

Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest! Stop! Stop what you are doing, thinking, stop and come with me! Let me tell you about how much I love you. Let me remind you that I am what matters. Come to me and the things I will tell you will take away your anxiety, it will bring you peace, even when peace seems an unreachable feat. Come to me! You say you are exhausted....come to me! You have so much on your mind...come to me! You are spending way to much time worrying about tomorrow, about projects getting done, about numbers, or enrollment, your health or the lack there of. Your body image, your house, you relationship with me.....STOP!!! This is our day! This is our time! The other will wait, in fact if you come to me, the rest will work out! Come to me and I will give you rest!

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