Tuesday, December 27, 2011

95- Home Again Home Again!

Well the family Christmas is over and we are home.  I can not tell you how much I worried about so many things.  I was worried about making it through this time without being disrespectful of my parents, and yet still stand up for me.  I worried about all the childhood crap coming up while around my siblings and my parents, but it was fine.  In fact it was wonderful! I felt more free, more true to myself, which made it possible for me to be more thoughtful of others. 

One thing I realized is that learning to let go of the (C) in my life has helped me learn to identify the (C) of others as their (C) and therefore not taking it on me. Over and over again this Christmas I would recognize a situation or a comment that would have in the past added (C) to my person, and this year I just saw it for what it was, their (C).  I didn't even have to reject it or put it down, it was simply theirs.  It made this perhaps the best time I have had with my family in a long time! I enjoyed so much about it! It was a very merry Christmas!

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