Saturday, December 31, 2011

98-Appreciating Prayers

Good morning! I didn't get the post made last night, because I was working on a sermon for today.  It is at my home church and only needs to be 10 min. long.  That should make it easy.  But for some reason it has been hard preparing.  I just can't seem to get the outline straight.  It has just been a struggle.  I have prayed about it, asked for clarity, asked for a quick and concise way to share this journey of letting go of the crap without every having to say crap and it has just not come to me. 

My house is full of guests, which is a blessing and giving so much joy! We are looking forward to a wonderful party tonight and my heart is full of joy and anticipation.  Yet when I think about these 10 min.  I am not at peace.  I know I just need to surrender it.  I know I just need to let him speak.... I am praying this will be the Lords 10 minutes and I am praying he will give me the wisdom to know how best to share my story. 

Thanks for your prayers! 
Happy Sabbath!

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