Sunday, January 1, 2012

99-Happy New Year

Well it is officially 2012, and we have successfully finished hosting a New Years Eve party.  We had 23 people in attendance, plenty of food and good times had by all!  Chris and I are exhausted and praising God we had our children young, I can't imagine this party in 10 years. 

This has been a very long day and there has been so much I would love to blog about.  For example, I had the sermon this morning in two services.  It was supposed to be just 10 minutes or so, and I was asked to talk about this topic of living minus the crap.  Of course I couldn't say crap. I needed to have some order to my talk and I wanted to have scripture etc.  Last night I tried to study and prepare and it just didn't happen.  I woke up this morning and had people to feed, a shower to take (in between all the extra showers that were taking place) and a house to have ready for company.  We had found out just last night that we had another family coming for Sabbath Lunch.  Not a big deal but the house was quite messy, with teenagers hanging out and dropping stuff everywhere, and this family has never been to my house.... a perfect set up for Crap! I fought it and set it down.  then my shower was at the last minute, making it necessary to put on make up in the car on the way to church, I also realized the jacket I put on had a stain on the front.... another perfect set up for Crap! I fought it and set it down.  Then was blessed so much by the music, the kids did such a good job.  I stood up to talk, turned around to face my church family and instead found a former pastor (someone, lets just say that I have had issues with) and a host of conference workers, I felt small, scared and in another perfect situation where Crap could have over come me....(REALLY!, could the crap field be any more ripe?!?)

I will say this, tonight as I welcome in the new year I am thrilled to be where I am, thrilled that this new year finds me better off than last year.  At least this year I am aware of the (C)!  I smell it, see it, and there for try to avoid it and wash it off.  I am so thankful tonight for a Savior who yearns to give me what is necessary to give me true freedom from the (C)!  I am so thankful for a Savior who promises Rest if we will just come to him!  I am thankful for a family that I like.  I am thankful for a husband who works tirelessly with me on a party and still wants to kiss me at midnight!!!!! I am thankful that this new years eve I am looking forward to finishing this journey and being in a very different place next year! 

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