Sunday, January 8, 2012

106- Love Feast!

It amazes me how no matter how many time God shows me that with Him all things are possible, I still doubt, stress, and fill my mind with ridiculous (C).  How is that possible?  I was filled with worry, doubt, and anxiety about getting the Agape Feast together.  I didn't take the time to get myself ready the way I would have liked! I didn't have everything planned before going to sleep last night, so it was a sleepless night!  So that is all the (C).  What was reality?

Chris calmed my fears, quietly and lovingly assisted me the entire day!!!!!!! Friends helped out!!!!!! Friends talked with me while I decorated!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything came together.  It turned out beautiful and delicious! What a blessing the entire day was, from the preparation and set up, all the way through to the clean up, it was one blessing after another. 

I am so tired tonight, that I am just going to say this.....

Tonight I find myself more in love with my husband! He knows me, hears me, helps me, calms me, and enjoys it all!  What a guy!

Tonight I am reminded to recall all the ways God has blessed in the past, when worrying about the future!  He has given each of us so much evidence of his working! He has over and over shown us His love, and when I am doubting, I need to look at what he has done in the past and let go of the worry (C)!  He's got this!!!!! (As Andrew would say!)  He's got this and I need to stop giving the worry (C) energy!

Tonight I am so appreciative of my church family!

Tonight I am exhausted and snuggling down! GOD IS GOOD!

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