We are three days away from a Christmas program that I am in charge of. I still have to get the decorating done, make sure my drama group is ready and has all the props needed to make their skits happen, I have refreshments to get done, I have programs to type and print, (still need to find paper to print them on) I have costumes to have ready for Sabbath morning drama at the Foster Church, school evaluation projects to work on, articles to write, and flyers to design and all I want to do is leave for Christmas vacation.
A little overwhelmed....yep. In times like this I really believe the biggest problem is not being behind, or all the things that need to get done but it is the (C) I keep telling myself. So tonight I am trying to let go, put it down and just accept that I have a lot to do, end of story. I'll let you know how that goes. Tonight in the midst of chaos, with my head rushing I am going to stop blogging, stop facebooking, stop everything, and I am going to spend some quiet time just praying and bathing in his words of love. Tonight as I was at a practice where my students were preparing for a drama they will perform this Sabbath, I was reminded of how very much our Savior loves us. He not only wants to save us, but he is desperate to be our calm in the midst of the storm. So tonight I am not going to keep working on how I can get it all done, and where I can get things, etc. I am just going to stop it all and close my eyes, pray, maybe sing, and let Him give me peace.
"Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest!"
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