Friday, February 24, 2012

152- Preparations

I am lieing on my daughters bed in the dorm at Southern.  The pillow behind me is really a huge stuffed elephant. There is pink almost everywhere I look :)  Anna and I have spent the evening bedazzling our shirts and planning for our run/walk...just a couple days from now.  It is terrifying.... exciting... and all new.  None of us have ever done anything like this before.  For me it will be my first race ever... (I have a hard time calling it a race since I am just hoping to finish!)  I am amazed at all the preparation involved. 

We have to figure out what we are wearing... finish the outfits.  We have to make sure we have water, carbs and our phones to keep us on track.  We have so much to do!!!! So little time!!!!

Tomorrow we leave Southern at noon and drive to Orlando.  Then Sabbath is all about relaxing, and getting our numbers etc.  Tonight I am praying for healing in my ear... it is still causing me quite a bit of pain!  Tonight I am praying that this is not just a run but an opportunity to bond with my girls and make memories. I will keep you all informed.  Tonight, I am praising God for His son who is preparing right now for me.  He is preparing and bedazzling an entire mansion for me.  What a wonderful thought, that our Lord, not only redeemed us, not only longs to be with us, but is willing to spend time preparing for me! 

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