Thursday, July 5, 2012

285 - Tickles and Giggles....

I know.... I'm behind.  I have several posts started and none finished this week.  Being home I have been spending time with my man, going to bed when he does, or working just way too late.  It has been quite a week. I will get caught up but today was so fun that I can't wait to post it. 

So today was one of my days off.  After some work, I was able to get lunch with Carolyn and it was such a joy.  Friendship is such an incredible thing!  After lunch we decided to go get some happy toes.

As we sat in the chair getting our feet grated, filed and buffed I was giggling.  I couldn't stop!  I giggled and giggled because I am so ticklish.  Every scrape, every buff, was tickling so much I wanted to come out of my skin!  Carolyn looked at me and said how in all the years we have been getting pedicures she never knew I was ticklish.  How?

Well I have spent my whole life trying not to admit that I was ticklish.  After all how many times do you see woman sitting in those chairs giggling with tickles.  Not often.  In fact I don't think I have ever seen someone just out right giggling.  Well guess what...... today I was FREE enough to giggle.  FREE enough to not worry about what everyone else was thinking of me... FREE enough to giggle with tickles, giggle and giggle!  Oh how amazing to be that free! 

I can't believe it has taken me this long to giggle through a pedicure, but today I was living MtC enough to freely giggle. 

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