Sabbath was crazy busy, full to the brim with plenty going on. In the midst of the craziness I was aware of two things. One I miss being around Amy. She is such a dear friend and we never seem to have time together but today we had lunch at our house with just a few people....(30 to be exact!)... and the best part of the meal was spending time with my friend.
Second, I love entertaining, or having people at my house. I like feeding people and welcoming people and huge groups don't scare me at all!!!! It was an amazing day.
After a VBS program in the evening I was home to spend some time with Chris and pack up to leave in the morning. Chris and I headed to bed early, we were terribly tired and enjoyed being able to go to bed when needed. We still had a house full of the kids from camp and went to bed knowing we were going to have to get up and and figure out a way to feed everyone. I went to sleep planning for breakfast the next day.
Today I did struggle with wishing my house was more what I would like it to be. Today, I had moments where (C) started to be creep in, but I recognized it and was able to put it down and keep my focus on serving those around me.
Today my boy was sick. Very sick. He was throwing up and miserable. I will say this as much as I do enjoy being someone that can open her home to huge crowds of people I am so looking forward to some time with my man, and my kids where I can take care of them. No one else just them. I hated it today when my boy was sick and i had to leave him home and go to VBS. I wanted more than anything to stay home. I need some quiet time. Some boring time. Some time to just breath.
Living MtC today was difficult because of the business, the pressure of the tasks in front of me. However, today was a day mostly MtC because I was able to label it and let it go. I really found that today, when it started to creep in I must replaced it with the things I know I'm gifted at. Most of the (C) today was cutting myself down, so I would just focus not on what I can't or don't do, but what I am and have been willing to do.
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