Wednesday, July 18, 2012

296- Monday.... A day of Rest!

Monday,  a day of nothing!!!! OK not nothing, I did do a couple things but for the most part I just relaxed, took a nap, rested!!!!!!!!!!

In the evening, Becca, Anna, Andrew and myself went to Monroe to meet Chris for dinner at a mexican restaurant.  We had a nice dinner and then headed out the door to an amazing sky.  It was a stormy sky that was very 3 dimensional, every shade of gray, mixed in with white, it was frankly beautiful!!!!  I loved it!

We then headed to go bowling.  It was so much fun.  We all laughed and just had fun as Becca beat us all both games!  It was just light and fun.

I can't begin to express how healing it was!!!!  Living MtC must include laughing and playing games! Being silly and just letting go!  We were created to laugh! 

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