Friday, July 20, 2012

297- Tuesday.... Living MtC

Today was all about doing several things that are always beneficial in living MtC. 

First, I was home.  Home has become incredibly special and meaningful to me.  There is something powerful and healing about spending time in my home, with my man, with my son, with my daughter, and with my son's lady!  I wish so much Sarah could have been here too, but I am so grateful for what I do have!  I slept in, ate breakfast in my pj's, just chilled, relaxed and enjoyed time with my kids.

I spent time with God!  Spent time reading and praying.  There is nothing better for living MtC than to have time in the word and in prayer. 

Third and finally I cooked for my family.  It wasn't fancy but it was healthy and it was homemade with love.  I enjoyed planning for it, cooking it and enjoying the process.  Healthy cooking is perhaps one of my favorite things to do for my kids.  It just brings me such joy. 

Today was a wonderful day and living MtC was easy, with a day filled with home, God, and food :)

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