Wednesday we spent inside, just resting and relaxing while it rained outside. Rain has such a soothing effect. Today it took away the pull to head to the beach, leaving nothing much to do except to rest. I slept in late, and then took another nap! I have to say it has been a long time since I have had a nap much less two naps in one week.
Wednesday afternoon the sun came out, it was a nice touch! Sun coming out after the rain is so refreshing, or so energizing. Becca went out to bask in it for a while and I lay on the bed watching the scenery reflected in the mirror at the foot of our bed. It was so beautiful, the sun hitting all the rain kissed grass, leaves and flowers. I like sparkle! I like all things that sparkle and today after the rain it was as if the entire world was sparkling! The sparkle just filled my heart with a continued desire to sparkle. I also was struck by how I noticed the sparkle. I am sure having a nap helped. Feeling rested for the first time in a very long time was helpful.
I really think my desire for sparkle stems from feeling so "dirty" so covered in the stuff. I know this concept of (C) is relatively new for me and yet when I think back over my life, I have felt dirty. I remember when I was 4 my picture was in Mount Vernon Academy's Year Book. I was in a picture that was used for the ABC's ad. There I was in a dirty shirt, my less than fresh looking corduroys, uncombed hair and some of my lunch on my shirt. I was looking at a little children's book rack. I remember that picture so vividly. I also remember thinking how terrible I looked, how dirty. I don't think until today had it occurred to me how young I was and how completely covered in (C) I felt! Who knows why I was looking such a mess. I certainly was not that way all the time. I had a mother who liked us looking nice and most pictures I have seen I looked like a little angel. Yet that one bad day, that one bad picture had an impact on me at age 4.
Today living MtC, I just enjoyed the rest and the sparkle that God provided with the rain and the sunshine! Today I am more determined to continue praising God, keeping his testimony on my lips, enjoying his creation and sparkling for Him!!!!
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