Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 70- Hello my name is....

If you remember I was impressed when observing a man at Cracker Barrel who introduced himself to the waitress.  Ever since I have wanted to do the same, but over and over I chicken out.  Unable to muster the strength to put myself out there and do the unexpected.  Well I forgot to write about doing just that on Black friday.  The girls and I were eating at Red Robin and I introduced myself to our waitress.  She had said the usual, "Hello my name is...." and then proceeded to ask us if she could bring us something to drink.  I right away said, "Hello my name is Beth"  She lit up! She was all of a sudden present.  It was amazing the difference.  She then started asking us questions about our black friday shopping experience.  It was such a difference. I started thinking about her as a person and not just the conduit to food.  She was an individual.  Part of it was she started acting like a person and not just a scripted machine that brought us the food.  It was remarkable.

I am must be honest, I still have not done it every time since. I think being out with just my girls made me feel more comfortable with being a little crazy.  I'm not sure why it is such a difficult thing for me to do.

Today I tried to spend all day thinking about positive things.  Tried to have positive conversations etc.  All in all it was a good day.  I can't say I succeeded 100% but it was a start and I am grateful tonight for a new focus. 

Tonight I am thankful for the reminder of the importance of putting myself out there and greeting those around me.
Tonight I am thankful for the power thinking on good things has to heal and renew the spirit. 
Tonight I am so thankful for friends.
Tonight I am so thankful for my kids and planning and working on Christmas has been a delight.
Tonight I am so thankful for this process of living free!

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