Back at home with Mom and Dad for one night. Sure is easy to recall childhood memories and feelings. It is amazing how that works.
Today I had the privilege of visiting schools and passing out treats to students from Kindergarten to eighth grade. One of the classes I went into had four highly intelligent kids.1 was 8yrs, 2 were 7yrs, and 1 was 5yrs. old. As we sat and chatted about life over a box of doughnuts I was reminded of HOPE! Hope and dreams, possibilities. Their eyes didn't light up, the were just LIT! They were confident, expressive and seemingly untouched by the (C) this world likes to pile on us. They spoke of their plans, their gifts, their joys with such delight. It was so refreshing!
Yesterday, I was running low on hope. Today I am reminding myself that, we are to become like little children, that Christ is our HOPE! I am reminded, that because of what He did and is doing in my life, living without HOPE is dishonoring HIM! Thank you children for opening my heart and sharing your joy and hope!
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