Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 31

I am angry tonight! Angry that it is so easy for me to doubt what God is doing in my life.  All day I have wondered what I was going to write about.  It was such a beautiful weekend.  Wonderful time with friends, family, MY KIDS!!!! A wonderful church service, great music from "my kids". A moving sermon that challenged me! Then today the house was crazy quiet.  I decided early on that today was going to be a day of relaxing without guilt.  I was going to take a nap, watch some TV, just rest.  I did! It was glorious. 
It is now 11:22 and Chris came to bed talking about an email that he was needing to answer.  There were statements made that made me angry.  Then I realized the statements were making me question the Sabbath blessing I had. The very blessing from the word of God.  I am not going to go into detail here because I will not give anymore airtime to what was being said.  I just want to proclaim this.  God is working in my life in a powerful way! I have been challenged! I am learning, searching and desperately desiring to live an authentic life for Him!  I want to be a living example of what a Christian should be.  I am far from perfect but I am not going to question, or tear apart what I know He is doing in my life. I don't want to deny Him tonight or ever.  I will not question what He is doing in my life!!!! I will not let what others say take my attention away from what He is doing! I am so grateful there is change happening in my life, so thankful I serve a risen Lord who is in a very real relationship with me and that relationship is changing me! Daily!

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