Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 32

Perhaps it is a let down after such a wonderful weekend. Perhaps it is just struggling with (C), but today has been a difficult day.  I had a hard time getting going.  Doing the things I needed to do.  Spent the morning on the phone working, (MPA work).  Spent the afternoon, doing more work and a short nap. I just had a hard time.  These are the days I need to figure out. These days seem to happen to frequently.  I have had a hard time putting my finger on what is wrong.  I did get work done, but for the most part had a hard time feeling motivated.  Planned to run...didn't.  Planned to get all the beds washed and remade...didn't.  Planned to get all my laundry done..didn't.  Planned to get a couple projects done for work...did.  Planned to work on my speaking flier... did.  Planned to cook a wonderful dinner for Chris...didn't (went out).  Planned to spend time with God...did pray, didn't read.  Planned to call a friend...didn't. 

These are the days I struggle all kinds of negative thoughts about myself.  The issue is, is it (C) or is it truth that I need to use to make a change?  I'm not sure.  Perhaps I expect to much.  Perhaps I'm lazy.  Perhaps I'm struggling with issues that make it hard to be motivated as I should.  Perhaps, that is just an excuse.

Tonight I am going to head to bed and spend some time in prayer.  I don't want to use this process to excuse bad behavior. Tonight, I am not going to beat myself up, but honestly reflect on what I did and didn't do. I want to search my heart, without shame.  I want to search my heart, letting Christ guiding the search. I'll let you know tomorrow what turns up :).  

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